Monday, September 22, 2008

Introducing V2.0

We have moved!!! We've loved our stay at blogspot, but we have outgrown what they have to offer. Please update your favorites from to

Please head to

We promise you'll like it MUCH better.

Besides the great new layout, we’d like to introduce our new partner- SoundersFootBlog.

In an effort to become the single place for Seattle Sounders FC information we have redesigned to highlight our posts & commentary as well as having all sorts of other Sounders FC information a click or two away, including our links to all blog posts in the Sounders FC Blogosphere.

As the Innagural Season approaches information on the Roster, Schedule and other Information tidbits will fill in. Throw in the commentary & insight from SoundersFootBlog and will become the place for 1-stop shopping store for all things Sounders FC related.

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